In Santiago you will find a great quantity of money exchange houses, banks and ATMs throughout the city. Credit cards are accepted in most shops and the currency used is the Chilean peso. If you visit the small surrounding towns, it is recommended to carry cash.
In Santiago there is a modern public transportation system known as Transantiago, with buses that allows you to connect to all the districts of the city. Another quicker alternative is to take the Metro, or subway, which also covers the main communes and has stations in the most important places of the city.
There are also taxis that circulate around the city. It is always recommended to be careful and to pay for these services in cash and with correct change.
In Santiago there are many alternatives to renting a car, which will allow you to go to more places and move independently. It is a neat town, with good streets and highways which makes it safe to drive.
Since the surroundings of the city tend to be mountainous, it is suggested to choose ATVs to prevent accidents and always travel on authorized roads.
The telephone code of Santiago is 02. To call from abroad you must dial the international code of Chile, which is 56, then the code of Santiago 02 and 2 before the telephone number.