In Puerto Aysen and Coyhaique we can find stores which accept credit cards. It is recommended to carry cash when you go to remote and rural areas. We can find money exchange offices in Puerto Aysen and three money exchange offices in Coyhaique as well as ATM's.
To reach Coyhaique you must take a flight to Balmaceda Airport, located 55 miles away from the city. There are also buses that come from the cities of Osorno and Castro, in Chiloe.
By car you can reach it from the Carretera Austral or Argentina crossing the channel area via barges.
In Coyhaique bicycles are also used to move within the city and there is a rental service which allows you to rent one and use it for hours and full days.
Also covering the distance in small boats is another excellent choice for backpackers or travelers who do not have their own vehicle.
To get to Puerto Aysen by way of airplane is the fastest way through domestic flights arriving at Balmaceda Airport, which is located 120 kilometers from Puerto Aysen.
It can also be reached via the land route, from Argentina, entering Chile by the Coyhaique Alto way (pass), which is located approximately 110 kilometers from the city, on a road that has gravel areas and paved areas as well.
By way of sea you can get here from Puerto Montt, taking a ferry that crosses the Chiloé channels and the Archipelagoof the Guaitecas Islands. The trip ends in Puerto Chacabuco and lasts for about a day. From there, there are only 15 kilometers to Puerto Aysen.
There are buses that travel in Puerto Aysen and companies that lease cars and by doing this; you can visit all the attractions of the 9th Region.
The telephone code of Coyhaique and Puerto Aysen is 67. To call from abroad you must dial the international code of Chile, which is 56, then the city code, 67, and finally the telephone number.