In Coyhaique you can do all sorts of recreational activities beacuse of its surroundings of exuberant nature .
Beginning with the Cerro McKay (Hill), lwhich is ocated within the city, you can go hiking on the trails, climbing, mountaineering or simply watch the panoramic view of the Simpson River, mountains, forests and lakes, which are only 20 miles away from the city center.
The Simpson River is one of the biggest attractions of this place and it is known to be ideal for fly fishing. Simply strolling along its waterfront is one of the best activities that can be done in the area.
In the Plaza de Armas of Coyhaique we can find many craft shops, especially products made from leather and wool from sheep that live on farms in the area, native wood and stone as a memento of this beautiful area.
Another attraction is the Monumento al Ovejero in honor of the many people who historically engaged in this activity.
In addition to this, you can go fishing at Lake Elizalde and Lake Atravesado, which are less than 50 kilometers from Coyhaique. These areas have camping areas, boat, bicycle and horse rentals and tours to see the surroundings.
On the other hand, in Puerto Aysen we find the biggest attraction in the area: the Campos de Hielo Norte (Northern Ice Fields) and the spectacular Laguna San Rafael, with its glacier of the same name. This is a must see for all who are in the area and can enter the magical world of the Patagonian channels, where immense glaciers lie and the silence is broken only by the masses of ice falling into the water in such a unique and overwhelming show.
Apart from the Laguna San Rafael, in Puerto Aysen we can find other attractions like the Coyhaique National Reserve, with natural areas that are home to native wildlife species such as pumas, pudúes, huemul and guanaco, plus seagulls, black woodpeckers and the Kingfisher. In the coastal area we can find sea lions, dolphins, otters and sea lions.
The flora of this place has trees such as cinnamon, coigue and cypress of the Guaitecas as well as myrtles, ñirres, beech, ferns and nalcas.
Other attractions are the Quitralco Hot Springs, found in the fjord Quitralco; the Monumento Nacional Las 5 Hermanas, which corresponds to a small archipelago of six islands that lie off the fjord of the same name, 50 kilometers away from Puerto Aysen.