Cruise Galapagos to Peru
12 Days / 11 Nights - Per person on a double basis - Code EGO006
Review Tour:
Take this incredible tour starting in Machu Picchu to Quito. Discover the colonial history of Ecuador in the cities of Quito and Otavalo. Then, navigate through Galapagos Islands, exploring amazing places full of nature, flora and fauna.
About the Tour
Air ticket
Travel insurance
Departure: All year long
Tour duration 12 Days / 11 Nights
Start Lima
Activities: Ecotourism, Multisports, Navigation and sailing, Observation of flora and fauna, Culinary Tourism, Family tourism,
Attractions: Quito, Galapagos Island,
Places you will know:
Galapagos Island
Officially known as the Archipelago of Columbus or Galapagos Archipelago, they are located more t...
Get to know the place