In Valparaiso and Vina del Mar we can find money exchange offices and ATMs, as well as major shopping centers. Most shops, restaurants and hotels accept credit cards.
Both cities have good transportation connections. Minibuses, taxis and colectivos allow you to move through the different neighborhoods and attractions in both cities. Valparaiso has its particular trolleybuses, which were used in the 50s and still transport people on the roads using power lines.
In addition, Valparaiso and Viña del Mar are connected by MERVAL, the subway service of Valparaiso, which has stations in all major sectors of the region.
To get to Valparaiso and Viña del Mar there are interprovincial buses from most cities. From Santiago, the distance is approximately 115 kilometers. From Mendoza, in Argentina, it is approximately 210 miles by land.
By plane, you must first get to the International Airport of Santiago Arturo Merino Benitez, then travel the distance to Valparaiso.
The telephone code of Viña del Mar and Valparaiso is 32. To call from abroad, you must first dial the international code of Chile, which is 56, then the code of the 5th region, 32 and finally the telephone number.